True Nirvana

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The best things in life are cheap.

In all seriousness what is there in life that’s truly free? I was playing catch with my dog Maggie and it occurred to me, how much is it costing my parents for me to do this? There’s the electricity bill, the taxes on the house, the clothes on my back, and even the price of the ball. I would mention the price of my dog, but the breeder we got her from (who sells them for about $1,500 a piece) gave her to us for free (and no she’s not defective), but to make a short story even shorter my dad got her for free because he made a deal with her by making and running a website for her. Anyway enough tangents, almost anything you do these days is not completely free. Companies even charge us a lot for water these days. A gallon of bottled water costs almost twice as much as a gallon of gas. I know I’m probably overcomplicating this simple phrase but how can you really say (even if you can think of something that really is free) one thing is better than another. Sure just hanging out with your friends is fun (and practically free) but how can you say that it’s better than something like snowboarding (which costs a lot). In closing I’d like to mention that it cost $0.03 for the 10 minutes online that I spent writing and posting this.

11 Remarks:

  • you can think for free. Nothing is required, nothing lost. everything gained.

    By Blogger Phydeauxs99, at 7:49 PM  

  • Do you realize that the phrase "time is money" and "the best things in life are free" completely contradict eachother? This means that thinking costs money too.

    By Blogger Andy, at 8:46 PM  

  • Oh and the same goes for stealing.

    By Blogger Andy, at 8:46 PM  

  • Time is money because time COULD be money. All time not spent earning money is a loss of potential. This loss of potential translates into a loss of total money earned. Therefore, Time is money.


    I will defend this logical argument as far as you want to take it.

    By Blogger Mike, at 11:35 AM  

  • Oh, and air is free. And it is debatebly the best thing in life.

    So are kittens, sometimes.


    By Blogger Mike, at 11:36 AM  

  • It seems to me that the issue we hold here is a black and white one. Time is only potentially money. Since it is not definate as to whether or not it is money and this issue is color and shadeless, time is not money.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 PM  

  • haha....i meant to put that my user name is

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:47 PM  

  • Yeah, I'm not even gonna reply to that one, as it made no sense, sorry.


    By Blogger Mike, at 11:29 AM  

  • Nat, you missed the most important part. I concluded that time IS money.


    By Blogger Mike, at 6:56 PM  

  • I second that motion

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:39 AM  

  • Everyone knows that you cannot explain something by using what you are trying to explain in the explanation. For example, if you looked up "quagmire" in the dictionary, and found:

    Quagmire: A quagmire.

    You would have absolutely no more of a clue as to what it is than before. So your definition, while not necessarily wrong, doesn't explain anything. Mine did.


    By Blogger Mike, at 8:28 AM  

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