True Nirvana

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Respect and Disregard

As I was sitting in church today listening to Sister Marie talk about her experiences with Pope John Paul II, I realized how honored she must've felt to have met the pope face to face. After thinking of this for a little while, knowing that the entire room must be thinking this same thing, it came to my attention that every mass we are personally in the presence of God and yet I don't see too many people experiencing this great honor. In fact it was made clear to me that most of the gym couldn't care less to be in mass instead of in class. The person on my left could barely keep awake and a lot of the others seemed to be dazing off or whispering to friends. All I'm really trying to say in this post is that it seems that church has become rather boring to those who do not participate. It is apparent that a lot of those who receive the Eucharist don't even realize what they are actually receiving.

2 Remarks:

  • I believe I made a comment how people care more about the lame pep rallies than they do about going to mass. I'd say you hit it pretty dead on here.

    By Blogger Alex, at 8:22 PM  

  • Yeah, it always ticks me off when people complain about wearing ties to mass. We should be happy that that is even considered near worthy of proper apparel in front of our Lord and Savior.


    By Blogger Mike, at 11:48 AM  

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