Friday, April 29, 2005
3 Remarks:
By Phydeauxs99, at 8:57 PM
sometimes vending machines don't give you your change; it was a joke. If this has never happened to you, you have lead an unfulfilled life.
Anyway, Dutlag, I don't think he is looking for a series of maxims about change. While maxims are sometimes helpful, often they are too generic too really be of use.
Andy, have you seen the house your parents are looking at? While I know your house is cool, there must be something it is missing. Just look for things in this new house that are sweet. Maybe it doesn't have vaulted ceilings, but it does have a screened in patio or something. Maybe it doesn't have a basement, but it has eight floors... you get the point. Because its a different house, not a worse house, there are certainly things you will grow to love about it just like you love your current house.
I have moved quite a few times in my life. One time Fr. Dan took a survey of the class to see who had moved the most and i think I beat everyone else at like seven or eight moves. At each house I have lived in, there have always been good aspects. I lived in a trailer for awhile, and while it was certainly small, often times I loved how cozy it was. Lots of human interaction. My favorite residence ever was a small apartment in "Regeny Royale" across from putt putt golf. I was like 4 and 5 when I lived there I still remember everything about that place fondly. I could give you its exact layout and where I claim my mom hid my easter basket every year. I had my first peanut butter/banana sandwich there and said my first swear word to my mom there. My point is, look at this as something exciting, not something to fear. Good luck, too. -
Alex you're definatly right about that optomistic point of view. The house does have some sweet qualities to it. It has a room that is to all intensive purposes soundproof. My house I live in right now doesn't have a single place you can go where my parents can't hear every word from their bedroom. But, yeah although we would be downsizing it does have its good qualities like you said and I really don't have anything to complain about.
Change is a scary and wonderful thing. It is necessary for everything.
Thats why I think that one of the worst things you can say to someone is "Don't ever change". Bleh. Without changing you are left behind.
But that doesn't mean all change is good.
"In the winds of change; even the most stable items can become deadly projectiles." So true. What you used to base your safty and security on could leave you. Whether it be a friend or a place. That place can hold you back from reaching your full potential.
I really dont get your title. "Change is Inevitable (Except From a Vending Machine" What does that mean???
You get change in life and from a vending machine.