True Nirvana

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Life on the Outside

I wonder what it's like on the outside. We've all been in school for almost as long as we can remember. For me it's going on 14 years. College is a big change from the monotonous routine of school. No one is there to watch out for you if you ever fall. You're around all new people and all new things & it's weird to think of this as home for the next 4 years. Though the road isn't easy there is a light at the end, a hope for what's to come. There's a path for everyone through college, whether they want to make a name for themselves, live the good life, help the helpless, or to just start a family. The years to come are what we've been working for our whole lives, though throughout most of it we didn't even realize our cause. Anyway I guess I chose engineering because of the fat paycheck & my love of math but I wonder what I'd be the happiest doing considering that's more important than money. I bet being a teacher would be pretty cool even though they don't make much. You get the satisfaction of helping others through their own paths in life, you get to experience the other end of the totem pole, & last but certainly not least you get summer vacation! Anyway I'd like to know what you think your ideal job is. Doctor? Writer? Law Ninja maybe?

14 Remarks:

  • Cool, ya know you can always do both. Most authors have a main job and write in their spare time. Anyway what kinda books do you think you'd want to write?

    By Blogger Andy, at 5:36 PM  

  • Sorry to interrupt the comment convo, but I'll just add my thoughts. I think my dream job would involve several things. If I could have my dream career, it would include being a wife/mom, writer, musician, graphic designer, photographer, and interior decorator. Voila, I win.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:39 PM  

  • You win what? The having the most jobs without actually getting paid for any of them contest? Congrats!

    By Blogger Andy, at 9:56 PM  

  • Dude, I could get paid for all of them except the first one. And I win because that's one of the best combinations of jobs everrrr.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:37 PM  

  • Yeah but you really can't do the house wife in addition to getting a salary for any of those. Oh & law ninja still beats any job combination you can think of.

    By Blogger Andy, at 7:16 AM  

  • Hey, I never said housewife. I said wife.

    And anyway, I could totally get paid for writing, graphic design, music, and photography if I was a wife!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:15 PM  

  • Come on... wasn't the housewife thing implied? You girls are weird if you didn't mean that then why did you list it in your jobs? No guy ever says I want my occupation to be a husband/father & a doctor. And I sadly say there isn't much money for the average soul in music, writing, & photography but hey you aren't average so maybe you'll figure somethin out.

    By Blogger Andy, at 6:04 PM  

  • Well I really dont care how much money I make, my husband can rake in some cash and we'll b fine. As long as I don't have to eat TV dinners and sleep on a crappy mattress in a crappy house in a crappy city, I'm fine.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:53 PM  

  • That's an excellent idea Erin but I don't think planning to marry into money is a very christian attitude.

    By Blogger Andy, at 9:56 PM  

  • I'm not saying I want to marry into money, I'm just saying I'd prefer to live comfortably. I would rather live in Roma, in a decent house, you know with working air conditioning and heat. Preferrably one without rats, I don't like rodent-infested food, or anything for that matter. I'd also prefer that the food be stored in a decent fridge, not some broken-down thing from the 70's. And I'd also totally prefer to not live in like the ghetto. Is there such thing as the Roman Ghetto?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:59 PM  

  • Who wouldn't prefer to live comforatably? The only observation I saw was that you seem to rely heavily on your husband's money instead of making some yourself. I think they call those kinds of people leeches. Anyway even if you marry a poor man you're still planning on moving there?

    By Blogger Andy, at 10:14 PM  

  • Heck yes I'll move there! And excuse me, but what was my latest blog post about? Hm? Oh yeah! Roles of men and women. Men pay. Ladies can pay too, just not as much and not as often. It's just nice, not leeching. Plus, my future husband will totally be the chivalrous type, as he'll obviously be striving to be like Christ!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:16 PM  

  • Ok first off Erin chivalry goes both ways. It isn't chivalrous for a girl to expect the guy to pay for everything. The guy should offer to pay when the girl has a way of paying for herself. I think you have a skewed view on love because paying for most everything is definitely not part of a Christian man's role as a husband, and secondly if he truly is striving to be Christ like what makes you think he'll be wealthy? I would think that throwing away your worldly possessions would make life a little less comfortable.

    By Blogger Andy, at 10:21 PM  

  • chiv·al·ry Audio pronunciation of "chivalry" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shvl-r)
    n. pl. chiv·al·ries

    1. The medieval system, principles, and customs of knighthood.
    1. The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.
    2. A manifestation of any of these qualities.
    3. A group of knights or gallant gentlemen.

    Now that we have that cleared up, let me restate the fact that I do not think my future husband will be incredibly wealthy. He may turn out to be, I don't know. All I'm proposing is that if I'm staying home and doing the housework and making some money on the side, who else is going to be bringing home the bacon?? Um, totally the guy. Additionally, I definitely never said that love involved money at all, or that striving to be like Christ would give him money. I'm just communicating the simple fact that I will probably not be the primary source of income in my marriage.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:27 PM  

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