Wednesday, June 15, 2005
4 Remarks:
Hahaha well I see you haven't gotten very far on that mentality. Love the last line, by the way.
Yeah, I think the sleep deprivation is already starting to phase me.
If you don't sleep it will eventually catch up with you. Some interesting facts.
The longest anyone has stayed awake, without stimulants is 133 hours.
He went insane before that. He claimed to see spiders on his shoes. He also thought that the doctors coming to check him were undertakers trying to bury him.
It all depends on your sleep cycle on how much you need each night. Personally, I only need about 5 hours.
To test what you need. Go to bed at the same time each night. And allow yourself to get up whenever. After a few days you will make up your lost sleep. Keep doing this and you will wake up about the same time.
That is how much sleep you need.By Phydeauxs99, at 10:35 PM
...Yeah, good luck with that. I have a feeling you are going to run yourself into the ground with that attitude, but go for it man, more power to ya!