True Nirvana

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Master Chief is Overcompensating

Notre Dame & Purdue have sorely both disappointed me (though neither was expected to win in the first place...). Why did you have to miss the 3 point field goal Fitzpatrick? Why? Well I guess I couldn't have done any better so I have no room to complain. I think I'm joinin the Life Guides (Purdue youth group). They're having a game of capture the flag this Wednesday in the church basement so it should be fun (maybe I can convince bill (my roomie) to join up too). I can't wait till November as it's chock full of supreme awesomeness like the Carmel retreat & thanksgiving break. One thing about bein gone for so long is that you really appreciate seein you're old friends again.
I heard an awesome quote today while Nat & I were doing some rubber band sniping "You guys are retarded, but that's why I love you". If you can't act like a complete idiot in front of your friends who can you act like an idiot in front of? The thing I miss the most from the fantastic four (soon to be an entire justice league) were the retardedly random conversations we used to have. There was rarely a dull moment. The quote also reminds us that true friends don't care about our problems & our flaws. They'll accept our flaws & help us fix our problems.

9 Remarks:

  • Gosh I luff ya skip! I do hope that this whole posse shindig doesn't fall apart, but I can't think of any reason why it would so yay! Do you remember me spitting juice all over Michael's bed from laughing so hard when we were analyzing e.e. Cumming's poetry?? I just remembered that yesterday, gosh that was so insanely hilarious... We have to do that again sometime!

    By Blogger Erin Marie Hall, at 10:31 PM  

  • Yeah I definitely remember that. I think we concluded that the guy in the poetry was actually a glass house in love with a tree. I doubt that I'll ever find better friends. There's no way we'd all fall apart. Just wait till winter break we'll all have crazy convos again & go snowboarding (it's fun you'll like it).

    By Blogger Andy, at 11:23 PM  

  • Yeah I hope so! Pray that I have the grace to stop being such a silly girl and get over everything already, 'cause frankly it is not very much fun.

    By Blogger Erin Marie Hall, at 7:55 AM  

  • Yeah, I miss the banter... I got to see Alex and Erin over the weekend, and I got some of it out of my system, but still.... i miss it...


    By Blogger Mike, at 8:50 AM  

  • Skip, if you are disappointed in Notre Dame from the USC game, you must not have been watching. I have never been more proud of ND. We proved a lot, even though we lost.


    BTW, this is a P.S....

    By Blogger Mike, at 5:51 PM  

  • Ey both teams made some noteworthy plays and did much better than expected but it still doesn't change how I felt afterwards. I guess if you want to get technical it wasn't the team that disappointed me it was the fact that I was under the impression that they'd both won during the last few minutes. Both of their victories were torn away by the final plays of the game. It really is a pessimistic way of looking at the games though.

    By Blogger Andy, at 7:02 PM  

  • Haha yeah the ND game was awesome, we definitely kicked butt. Plus, USC players seemed really arrogant, and I didn't like that too much!

    Oh yeah, Michael did see Alex and I, but we didn't do much so we shall definitely make up for lost time at the Carmel retreat! =) Can't wait to see you guys there!


    By Blogger Erin Marie Hall, at 6:54 PM  

  • Well, USC has a LOT to brag about...

    Like being number 1

    and winning 28 games in a row.

    Kinda big


    By Blogger Mike, at 8:26 PM  

  • Oh yeah definitely not saying that they don't deserve bragging rights, but they didn't seem very humble. I don't know, just a thought!

    By Blogger Erin Marie Hall, at 8:48 PM  

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