Hmm whatever happened to this blog having controversial topics? Here's a couple I guess I'll throw out there before I get started: Evolution = Real, is the new immigration law a good thing? (if an illegal immigrant lives in the US for 2 years they're made legal, so if they can avoid the cops for 2 years they're fine).
So anywho last night was pretty crazy. We had a charity walk called the relay for life going on in a huge field at Purdue. It's a way to raise money for the fight against cancer through pledges. There were tents everywhere with a live band, pizza, & fun games like root beer pong, some weird gladiator thing (see picture),
& tug o' war. It sorta looked like the quititch tourney from the latest harry potter movie. In the center though there was a track lined with luminaries with the names of cancer patients written on them. (Some of them burned up so uhh symbolically I don't even want to imagine what that means) It was really fun except for the fact that it was 20 freaking degrees out last night. I had like 4 layers on & I was still barely hanging on. I felt really bad for the guys doing the miss relay pageant (which is a bunch of guys dressed up as women collecting money from random people for the charity) One of them was wearing a mini-skirt (which is one of the most nauseating things I've ever seen). Anywho stayed from 11pm to 5am walked from 2am-4am (well in proportion to Zoltar 9 we did anyway). Got to know my youth group a lot better & had lots o' fun. So uhh yeah...
Your controversial topics are kinda lacking. Oh, and its "quidditch." I'm going to go eat a yak now.