The best things in life are cheap.
In all seriousness what is there in life that’s truly free? I was playing catch with my dog Maggie and it occurred to me, how much is it costing my parents for me to do this? There’s the electricity bill, the taxes on the house, the clothes on my back, and even the price of the ball. I would mention the price of my dog, but the breeder we got her from (who sells them for about $1,500 a piece) gave her to us for free (and no she’s not defective), but to make a short story even shorter my dad got her for free because he made a deal with her by making and running a website for her. Anyway enough tangents, almost anything you do these days is not completely free. Companies even charge us a lot for water these days. A gallon of bottled water costs almost twice as much as a gallon of gas. I know I’m probably overcomplicating this simple phrase but how can you really say (even if you can think of something that really is free) one thing is better than another. Sure just hanging out with your friends is fun (and practically free) but how can you say that it’s better than something like snowboarding (which costs a lot). In closing I’d like to mention that it cost $0.03 for the 10 minutes online that I spent writing and posting this.