True Nirvana

Monday, March 28, 2005

Isn't Irony Great?

My favorite aspect of literature would have to be irony. Irony makes you think and it also causes you to chuckle to yourself. Literature has never been one of my favorite subjects in school, but it's definitely left a great impact on my life. I used to write quite a bit of poetry a few years back, but not much since. This has to be my favorite poem I've ever written, though it doesn't contain any insight to my life it does contain irony.

The Storm

Some ominous clouds begin to soar
And let out a thunderous roar
As lightning rips trees in half
Showing the storm's terrible wrath

It leaves chaos in its wake
While buildings begin to shake
With a hiss of the wind
Trees start to rend

But as the storm starts to subside
The clouds go to the eastward side
From this horror you'd think the earth would mourn
But instead a magnificent rainbow is born

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Evolution & Christian Views

Evolution seems to be a hot topic on the minds of many Christians. Many people mistake human evolution as humans evolving from apes, but this is not the case. It simply implies that humans evolved from the same animal, at one point, as every other animal over a long period of time. The church accepts evolution as a legitimate theory as long as you believe that God guided this process and specially created the human soul at some point during it. So my question is this "Is alot of the Old Testament (such as Adam and Eve) meant to be parables for the betterment of its readers or should you stand by it as historical fact?”

Saturday, March 19, 2005

And the meaning of life is...

Like most of the titles on Miller's blog I think I'll make mine have nothing to do with my post just to annoy those who are seeking the meaning of life (I'll give you a hint you can probably find it somewhere in the world’s best-selling book). Anyway with spring break coming up and the Marian seniors' high school educations coming to a close the teachers feel it is their duty to stack as many projects on us as possible before we escape from their clutches. I know they are actually doing this to help us out. I mean teaching at Marian is practically volunteer work for people with 4 years of college like them. I had no idea that the teachers at Marian made so little money. I've heard from some semi-reliable sources that Marian teachers start at 23,000 a year... and veteran teachers make it to the lower 30,000's. Many of the teachers have to take up second jobs to support their family. I've been told that Mr. Gross is a deliveryman for a local pizza parlor on the side. Anyway it's time I mentioned some controversial subject that everyone argues with me about hmm... ok I got one "All pets go to heaven when they die if they are good (except for cats because they are useless blobs of fur)" hmm I think I'm going to have some harsh consequences for writing that but oh well... until next time.